All surgeries can be booked by ringing 01302 710210 between 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
If you require an Urgent or same day appointment, we would encourage patients to telephone the surgery as early as possible from 8am.
You may consult whichever doctor you choose by making an appointment.
Appointments are booked at 10-minute intervals for each consultation. If you have more than one issue to discuss, please keep in mind that we operate one issue per 10 minute appointment policy. Therefore if you feel you might need longer than this let the receptionist know when booking your appointment. Please do not try to fit extra members of your family in during the consultation, as this will delay the surgery, causing aggravation to other patients. Surgery times may be subject to change due to holidays or illness. More details regarding this practice can be found at
We offer a chaperone to those patients who wish to have one present during their consultation. If you would like to make use of this service, please let the receptionist know upon arrival.
If you need to talk in confidence to a receptionist there is a room available for this, please ask at reception for a confidential room.
Download our Patient Online Form and return completed to the surgery to start receiving appointment reminders and gain access to online booking and prescription requests.
Telephone Advice
This may be arranged with the doctor calling back at a specified time. Please ensure you are able to answer the call and that it is preferably not on a mobile number.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us via telephone on 01302 710210 as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.
Last week 12 patients Did Not Attend their GP or Nurse appointments.
This was a total of
175 Minutes
of clinical time wasted.
Please remember to cancel or re-book your appointment if you are unable to make it.
Thank you.