Repeat Prescriptions
Generally only one month’s supply of medication will be supplied at a time.
Your doctor may organise repeat prescriptions for regular medications, which can be ordered and collected by contacting the prescription clerk.
Please allow 5 FULL working days before collecting your prescription.
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered by:
- Filling in the right hand side of your last prescription and leaving this in the letterbox provided under the pram shelter or handing in at the Reception Desk.
- By phoning the repeat prescription clerk on 01302 710210 and selecting option Prescriptions.
- With the introduction of SystmOnline you are able to order repeat prescription from the link at the top of this page; this is a secure ordering link. To be able to use this service you must see the Practice Manager who will set up a username and password for you to use; you will also be able to book a doctor’s appointment from the same site.
- By email to (Please note: If you order your repeat prescription by email you will be sending information about yourself across the Internet and we cannot offer any guarantees of absolute privacy. If this concerns you please use an alternative method for ordering.)
If you require your medications urgently you can contact the surgery directly to request this.
If you have any queries about your medication(s) please can you telephone the surgery and speak with one the reception team.
Dispensing Service
We can dispense medication to patients who live in rural areas and more than 1.6 kilometres from the nearest pharmacy. If you do not qualify for this service you must take your prescriptions to one of the community pharmacies, situated locally in Bawtry, Harworth or Tickhill. Alternatively, you can take your prescription to any pharmacy of your choice. Ask us about registering for our dispensing service if you think you qualify. Our dispensing service is available Monday-Friday 08:00-18:30 with the exception of Bank Holidays. If you need medication urgently outside of these hours you can take your prescription to a pharmacy or call NHS 111.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.